Book in for Imp 2024Link to booking form: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/imp-national-2024-tickets-840181905697 From Mark and George Sistern (Crewe, Cheshire) This year The Imp Club goes digital and the primary method of pre-booking will be the on-line system, those who choose not to book on-line will of course be able to book in on arrival at Rally Control where we shall be using the same booking system. This is why there is no paper based booking form included in Impressions, we do have a method of adding a few manual bookings to the system so can accommodate people who are unable to book on-line. As part of this change we will also ask you which car(s) you intend to bring with you, this will allow us to pre-plan show and shine categories and adjust the trophies to reflect the numbers attending. I can see how this might put every ones' nerves on edge, committing to bring an Imp means guaranteeing it will get there! Well fear not you will be able to substitute one car for another should that rare event of a head gasket failing take place. There are two types of pass: an Event Pass for those either camping or staying off site or a Sunday Show and Shine pass for those planning to visit just on the Sunday. Both types of pass will allow you to book your vehicle (or vehicles) into the Sunday Show and Shine event. The costs will be £12.99 per person per night staying on site plus £30.00 for the event pass or £20.00 for a show and shine day pass. Those 16 years and under have free entry. Instructions for BookingLink to booking form: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/imp-national-2024-tickets-840181905697 Step 1: Enter the link from your preferred source (QR, e-Mail, Imp Club Site, etc.) Step 2: Once on the event page, please navigate to the "get tickets" button. ![]() Step 3: Please select the event pass type required per person aged 17 and over. If you are staying off-site, select the event pass without camping option (0 nights camping). For staying on-site, select the appropriate event pass + camping for the number of nights you require on-site. Please note all camping tickets are per person not per pitch, so select the number of passes corresponding to the number of people aged 17 and over in your party. For this example, you are seeing someone book 2 event passes with 2 nights of camping each. This is a booking of two adults staying on site for two nights. ![]() ![]() Step 4: Select "check out" button ![]() Step 5: Please purchase with your preferred payment method by selecting from the options available, entering the respective details then placing the order. ![]() Step 6: Please fill out the forms after checkout. This helps us to manage the event efficiently (e.g., allocation of rally plaque entries, auto jumble space, ongoing rally events over the weekend, etc). Step 7: You will receive a booking confirmation email, alongside this, please also see your ticket in either the Eventbrite App or Email. These will be scanned on the gate for a faster check-in. At Rally Control we shall be able to scan your ticket's barcode or QR code, either from paper or from your phone which will make the whole process of arriving much slicker. If you forget to have your ticket available, we shall be able to find your details on-line.
The Imp Club Ltd. is a company Limited by Guarantee registered in England
and Wales No. 03452604.
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